Sunday, October 30, 2005

Coral reef scare

“Half of the world’s coral reefs could die within 40 years” [27-Oct-05] according to the World Conservation Union unless measures are taken to address climate change. The reality is that the edifice of reefs is already dead, and that dying is a natural part of their evolution. There are a great many natural processes that depend on the birth & death cycle, and coral reefs are just one of them. Australian flora requires bush fires to regenerate. Whatsmore whilst death is occurring near the surface, the reef is expanded by regenerating in the sub-zone (at depth) where temperatures are compatible, but no one documents this activity because it would go against the politically-correct conclusion that the world is coming to an end due to climate change. Thus we seem to have another scare campaign by the greenies, having conceded that nuclear power is desirable afterall because it produces no greenhouse gases. I guess they needed a header for their donation campaign.

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